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Depth under keel m


Time: 07:55

Tide height: 3.6m above chart datum

Tide is rising

Next High Tide Today

Depth under keel: 9.86m

Time: 11:40

Height: 8.46m above chart datum

Next Low Tide Today

Depth under keel: 3.58 m

Time: 18:00

Height: 2.18m above chart datum

In next 24 hours

Time tide is next at current height: 27/07/2024 15:59

Time boat will dry:

Minimum anchor cable at next high water

Chain (4x): 39.44m -- 21.57 fathoms

Rope (6x): 59.16m -- 32.35 fathoms

N.B. The blue line indicates the current tide level.

The times displayed are adjusted for British Summer Time when applicable.

Please do not leave it until the last minute.
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